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iSpy Final Film

video reaction

Live action Kara Walker: Live action filling gives you the most real sense of time. For example you can hear the voices in the background clearly and the objects move more naturally. Stop Motion PES: Gives the video more of an animated quality and makes the video seem further from reality. Matthew Barney The low angle panning shots give the dancers motion even when they are standing still. The transitions between scenes was done well. Bill Viola The message in this video is really strong and shows stages of life very strongly. Shirin Neshat The flashing imagery and intense music in the introduction of the film really adds to the feel the film is trying to depict. Ryan Trecartin Bruce Nauman Paul McCarthy ("Painter")




Park Bench Street Light

Updated Sketches

Curating Truth Project

Questions: ● How would these 2 images differ? One poster shows a drug addicts as people with mental health problems. While the other poster shows them as criminals. ● How would a Government backed image look in comparison to something grassroots? ● Is there a Logo for either? Say the NRA? Not that I could find maybe Psychology Today for the mental health one and a police department for the other. ● Is there a Face or Phrase that is associated? A Steve Jobs or Trump? Obama has publicly spoken about drug addiction as a mental health problem. ● What are both of these posters trying to get across? Different view points on drug addiction crime v. illness ● What Propaganda techniques will you apply? Crime- Scare tactics Illness- Sympathy ● What sort of Graphic Styles should you use to best emphasize your point? ● Are the methods I am using clean and Graphic enough to be communicated to someone walking by on the street? Simple but in

Question 10/9

My ideas on censorship have evolved during this project I've realized that its more present then I thought. When I was putting my sticker up I ended up having to take it down after about 5 minutes.

Final Sstick

Class Work

Name Logo

Vinyl Sticker Thing

What information do you need to keep? Smoke Thick Outlines Black Smoke Stack What information is unimportant? Buildings Color? Black Where will you install this? Not sure yet What information do you need to keep? Tree Stump and roots What information is unimportant? Ground and some of the roots Color? Red Where will you install this? on Trees

Vandals or Visionaries

Street art is only street art if the fact that is on the street adds to its artist meaning. Street art is thought to always be illegal but it doesn't have to be. Street art is unlike graffiti because it needs to have meaning. Also it does not have to be illicit, illegal, or destructive.

Multiple Personalities Project

Article Reaction

I don't agree with the authors opinion that we were given to many options on what to believe that we now don't know what to believe. On the other hand I do agree with him when he says millennials are unconfident with taste because of our obsession with being liked. I do agree with him about his point of using the internet as an excuse of degradation because of the  unnoticed cyber bullying.

Rave Turtle Car

In class thinf 2 animals 2 places Turtle Cat Fountain Library
Pictures for Room Tapestry Alien Poster Rug (might not work) Lamp Bean Bag Chair Empty Wall Scream Painting What type space are you creating? living room interventi

Spray Paint Collection Project

Collection Project

OTHER PEOPLES PICTUES Is there something you collect?    I collect train tickets How does the digital world affect the way we collect? more and more things are found online and are seen less and less in the physical world Set up collecting parameters (do a search or two to see if it's plausible)    can only use bing images What? (example green cars)    spray paint cans How many? (example 25… less is more) 27 1/2 Where to source (must be online)? (example Craigs List) Bing Images Why?   Because its not google images so its different but its also still easy to use

About me

Who are you? Lily Cassidy Where are you from? Abington PA Tell me something interesting about yourself? I have 2 turtles back at home What kind of art do you like to make? Lino cut stickers What apps/programs do you use most frequently and what for? Photoshop (rarely) Who is your favorite artist? Dali Who is your favorite musician? The Front Bottoms What do you hope to get out of this class? Can you sit still for an hour? No not at all What is the relationship between computers and visual studies? I hate looking at a computer screen for hours What is your experience with Photoshop, Illustrator and Premiere? I took a course on Illustrator a Moore during High School Do you have a computer at home?  If so does it have Photoshop and Illustrator? Mac or PC? Yes I do have a laptop, It does not have Photoshop because it got to expensive, and its PC Write a five line story. Post an image on the b


Cornered 2017 Too Full 2017 Vans 2017 Venting 2017 Napkin 2017 Leafy 2017 Overflow 2017 White 2017 Chewing Gum 2017 Floaters 2017 Ash'd 2017 Save our Buddies 2017 Dispose 2017 Smashed 2017 Juice Box 2017 Sneaker 2017 Trash Plate 2017 Banana 2017 In the Cracks 2017 On Ice 2017 Damp 2017 Pencil 2017 Shoved 2017 Grassy 2017 Apple 2017 Flower 2017 Cheesy 2017 Distant 2017 Lollipop 2017 Balance 2017 Pickle 2017 Overcrowded Pickle 2017 Hidden 2017