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Curating Truth Project


● How would these 2 images differ?
  • One poster shows a drug addicts as people with mental health problems. While the other poster shows them as criminals.
● How would a Government backed image look in comparison to something grassroots?

● Is there a Logo for either? Say the NRA?
  • Not that I could find maybe Psychology Today for the mental health one and a police department for the other.
● Is there a Face or Phrase that is associated? A Steve Jobs or Trump?
  • Obama has publicly spoken about drug addiction as a mental health problem.
● What are both of these posters trying to get across?
  • Different view points on drug addiction crime v. illness
● What Propaganda techniques will you apply?
  • Crime- Scare tactics
  • Illness- Sympathy
● What sort of Graphic Styles should you use to best emphasize your point?

● Are the methods I am using clean and Graphic enough to be communicated to
someone walking by on the street?
  • Simple but interesting images
● These posters will be shown together. How do they relate visually? How do they
contrast? Make sure that you look at them side by side to consider their relationship.
  • I wanna make the criminal poster with darker colors and then the illness one with brighter colors.



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